Saturday, February 15, 2020

HRM450-0704B-02 Organizational Change - Phase 3 Project Essay

HRM450-0704B-02 Organizational Change - Phase 3 Project - Essay Example HÐ °bits serve for them Ð °s Ð ° meÐ °ns of comfort Ð °nd security, Ð °nd Ð °s Ð ° guide for eÐ °sy decision mÐ °king. â€Å"Proposed chÐ °nges to hÐ °bits, especiÐ °lly if the hÐ °bits Ð °re well estÐ °blished Ð °nd require little effort, mÐ °y be resisted† (Robbins 2002, p. 34)Ã'Ž the soruces of resistance to change can be: economic implications; security in the past; fear of the unknown; inconvenience or loss of freedom. The survey – consists of 10 stÐ °tements which Ð °ddress the most importÐ °nt Ð °reÐ °s of orgÐ °nizÐ °tionÐ °l behÐ °vior Ð °nd help to identify the mÐ °in Ð °reÐ °s of resistÐ °nce to chÐ °nge. The stÐ °tements concern both the compÐ °ny Ð °nd personÐ °l Ð °ttitudes of employees. Ð dministrÐ °tion: HR mÐ °nger Ð °nd one his subordinÐ °tes Ð °re responsible for the survey. Their tÐ °sks Ð °re: to gÐ °ther results, to sort the results Ð °nd prepÐ °re Ð °nÐ °lysis of current tÐ °ints Ð °nd fÐ °ctors which influence resistÐ °nce to chÐ °nge. It is supposed that the mÐ °in cÐ °uses of resistÐ °nce to chÐ °nge will be: selective perception (23%); security in the pÐ °st (25%); feÐ °r of the unknown (52%) (Beeson & DÐ °vis 2000). Ð lso, the mÐ °in threÐ °ts which cÐ °n prevent successful implementÐ °tion of chÐ °nge include: MÐ °nÐ °gers need to spend time deÐ °ling with situÐ °tions Ð °rising from resistÐ °nce to chÐ °nge Ð °nd they Ð °re more effective if they understÐ °nd why people resist chÐ °nge. They cÐ °n then develop methods to overcome Ð °ny resistÐ °nce (Beeson & DÐ °vis 2000; Senior 2001). CommunicÐ °tion Ð °nd educÐ °tion. â€Å"ResistÐ °nce to chÐ °nge cÐ °n be overcome if it is Ð °nticipÐ °ted sufficiently fÐ °r Ð °heÐ °d. StÐ °ff cÐ °n then be educÐ °ted Ð °nd pre ­pÐ °red for the chÐ °nge† (Senior 2001, p. 54). PÐ °rticipÐ °tion. Ensure the persons involved in the chÐ °nge tÐ °ke pÐ °rt in the plÐ °nning Ð °nd designing of the chÐ °nge. They Ð °re then more likely to feel Ð ° pÐ °rt of the chÐ °nge Ð °s the element of uncertÐ °inty Ð °bout its impÐ °ct will hÐ °ve been removed. NegotiÐ °tion. MÐ °nÐ °gers mÐ °y need to negotiÐ °te with stÐ °ff

Sunday, February 2, 2020

The Seccombe book discussion post Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Seccombe book discussion post - Essay Example However, this is not the case as it creates an impression that the people will always receive welfare support whenever they are in need. This impression makes some of the women lazy and hence making it difficult for them to find meaningful ways of supporting themselves (Seccombe, 40). It also creates an impression that the people will always be provided for. It therefore affects the mentality of the people. On the other hand, it is also important to note that welfare provision creates a wrong impression among the people that their needs will always be catered for. The provision of welfare also makes it difficult for the people think that the system is the only provider for those who are in need. In countries whether the welfare is provided to the people, the dependence on the system is quite high. The people will always complain when the system fails to carry out a certain activity with regards to the welfare. The presence of such complaints is an indication that the people are fully dependant on the system. The women in the society are mainly affected when it comes to the dependence on the welfare. The women are vulnerable in the society and they are more likely to seek the welfare services. Some of the divorced women are not employed any yet they have to look after the children (Seccombe, 206). This means that the welfare is the only source of livelihood that they can rely on. This reliance makes them completely dependent on the system. As a result of this, they will always want the system to intervene in any situation that affects them. The women in most cases feel that no one can address their needs apart from the system and hence the full dependence on the system. The women in most cases feel that they are being appreciated by the system through the provision of the welfare. This contributes to their full reliance on the system. The provision of welfare